Voted - yes WeaponMerchant - Rank Ares
yes im saying it has been 24hrs and also i know he has quit because he did a Dp throwing all his stuff away however i dont have clear evidence.
3ober The person that was breaking the rules: 2ober 2ober broke the rules by scamming, he said to me "can I BORROW 50trillon from you 3ober?" I...
its ok we all make mistakes :P
She/he is :P
Hi. Etokens where down for 3-5 days and whilst that happened i realised that my explosive didn't work and now etokens is fixed my explosive still...
Nathan135135 BassyBoy25 is the hacker. Bassboy25 was breaking the rules by hacking in terms Kill aura. Here is a video to proove it: [media]...
Nathan135135 The player that was hacking was UnidentifiedNoob They broke the rules by hacking--- Kill aura. My evidence is in the video below:...
Hi, this is a user under the name of UnidentifiedNoob he was hacking in ./Warp pvp on the server Opprison. Here is the video of the user hacking....
I would like to report a Minecraft user called Wendall2004; about 1 week ago i came on and my plot was griefed i checked ./plot info and the...
sorry i posted the wrong video here is the actual one: [media]
Nathan135135 Snakcraft101 Hacks [media] P.S this on opprison however there isn't a prefix for it
Nathan135135 Chris10an2003 Hacks [media]
oh btw hes already banned
Nathan135135 Yousef_Thehunter Hacks [media] P.S this is Opprison however there isn't a prefix for it
Nathan135135 Bartvw Hacks [media] P.S this was on opprison however there isn't a prefix for it
Nathan135135 Hugo109 was hacking Hacking [media]
Nathan135135 ChristianHockey was the hacker He was Hacking [media]