its a command cause my friend used to do it, I kind of forgot the command though XD
I found a spammer, Which was annoying and didn't care that I was gonna report, So heres my report and screenshots, His user is DiamondmadeKS hope...
Here is a guy called mad_mans_foot you may have to zoom in to see the spam.[ATTACH]
Ok this one is actually sorta funny, Thou he does need to be banned, or ''she'' lol anyway, screenshots. The user is d0NuTzRaDDictInq. u may need...
So I found these two spam advertising a RP, On creative. And they would not stop FOREVER so I got some screenshots and i'm gonna report...
ECB Ik u rated that xD
TAg me again and u get ur neck snapped in half :u xD
Don't flipping tag me ecb :u
No support, Sorry.
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] So these two, iHackMineverse and mrmitch111 have been spamming, and people say that there hack-crashing people, So...
Here is some screenshots of CatLadyDoesMC Advertising their so called ''Amazing server'' in Creative, Wondering if she can be perm banned from the...
The ABCS. >:l
The abcs
Such wow
Admit it, Your from the Iloomarity.
@Bkboucher xD
Ty xD i could of done better thou