So nice :) Who's dat hot babe?
Hey :3 If your on mv I will be on in a sec. It keeps kicking me :)
Scammers ^.^
I have bedrock Jk
Hey I am not able to do the upgrade I got scammed.
What gamemode are you on? Btw here's the Selfie... #DatBatDoe
Just because you do not like me... I do not find it very mature to rate my posts "Disagree." Would you please not do this.
I am not getting an upgrade because I just found out the person that was going to upgrade me charges back.
Sounds good ^.^
^.^ Kinda random, but it goes with what I was going to say... Anyways I'd think VIP would only have to be about 5 mil.
Really? I'm getting an upgrade from Elite to Titan for: 2mil on opfacs, 700bil on opprison, 8k on kitpvp, 1.7mil on prison, and 20k on skyblock :/
I love math, just because the teacher sits at her desk, drinks coffee and talks on the phone the whole time :> She doesn't even teach =]
You're going to need about triple of all the stuff you are offering :3
Op factions needs more, but the rest is A-Okay. (Decided to use an old term) :)
Your going to need about 5mil for VIP bud.
This is the only proof I have. He just randomly said it there was no other side to the story.
I LOVE Funny bunnies :)
Ign: The_Killer_Man23 Offenders Ign: libanan10 I'm assuming the player will recieve a warning?
Does it say "Disconnected"
Yes, Please stay on topic to this thread.