Your ingame name: Moku8 The offender's ingame name: I dont know, you check please. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Please dont lie Ok Let's stop this.
Welcome to mineverse forums!
Yea btw. Dont lie. no need to lie and yea. i've reked you before I dont want to get 2v1d by you and MR_B3N again. also when I rekt u on survival...
IGN: Moku8 You luv meh ;> give meh ze moneyzz kay?
Ign: Moku8 Gamemode banned on: Op PvP Link to accepted appeal:...
Not all Some noobs do go there like its there place. so yea =3
Idk cypriot.
_Mega shut up opfactions isnt the party. I myself hate kitpvp. but kitpvp is actually better than ANY other for LEGIT pvp. And _MEGA babe. you...
No no no no. Noobs hang out in club. Because of clubs team invite them when they actually suck xD
I have a question. Why are you guys so stooped? (not trying to be mean) but hackers aren't good pvpers. ok? You maybe dont know they hack. but I...
mili20 hacks. and hes' eZZZZ redpen is sorta eZ ashley is ez how about this. GET OVER IT. FACTION = EZ they cant combo or rek maybe just zero....
ringo is sorta ez. Walrus doesnt play anymore. IN1njai I think is ez. and others maybe yes..
Just wow IN1NJAI, making sites for $$ eh? ;3 Clever you. xD
[OP PvP] 4 Sets of titan 3 Sets of God $332 9 sharp 30's (With other enchants) Overpowered bow with alot of enchants 10 stacks of gapples 18 fire...
You maybe do know this already, but I am Moku8, I made a new forum account because I dont like the old one Lel... :3 xD Sincerely - Moku8
I'm Moku8! :D