I said lets stop and you kept questioning my no support. I'll say it again, no support, don't reply to this.
You shouldn't be looking where you type at the age of 13/14.
It's 3 am for me and i'm still managing to type properly. I suggest you stop creating a fight before people see that you're immature.
I saw you saying "stfu" multiple times in chat today, there's no reason to lie, Freckle.
I'm not Ducky_Puppy, my IGN is DuckyFromFaZe. Stop making such accusations. I've seen you in chat this week swearing, you're using poor grammar...
I'm sorry about your demotion, Kaleb told me about it.
Sorry, no support. I've seen you in-game threatening people with DDoS attacks. You're 11. Don't try act cool because you can DDoS, anyone can.
No support, simply not active enough.
Sorry, no support. You swear a lot in-game and I don't think you would be fitting for the position. Good luck.
Sorry, no support. Good luck!
Support. :)
Sorry, but no support. I see you swearing often in chat and if you're English you should be using better grammar.
Support, you're quite inactive but you can be rude sometimes in chat.
Hi! My IGN is DuckyFromFaZe. I'd like someone to buy me premium for the items below. KitPvP: $850 Skyblock: A stack of diamond blocks. 2 Beacons...
For defeating the great XOXO, I deserve a follow, don't cha think?
I believe that Zero_Inzanity is one of the best Faction players. He's always on and everyone fears him.