Your dog is so cute :D
:P In a strange mood today xD
I got unmuted.. -rich
Think so, Thanks anyway :) -Rich
Yeah true, bad idea then :/ I'll think about it more. -Rich
Oh yeah true, worth a try, thanks :) -Rich
Wow thats epic :)
Well if you go to this link, there is a whole load of free intros that you can use so browse here....
What is your channel called?
Hello everyone, I have a good idea to add to the servers if possible. I was thinking that you could create a tab saying Birthday Rewards. Then,...
Really wanna go for Mod...
Yeah, I seem to be :) Thanks ~Rich
Ok thanks :)
Thanks guys <3
Got muted by accidently advertising MineVerse :/
Hi everyone, I have only just joined the forums so hello to everyone. Well I will make this story short but I joined MineVerse for the second time...