y'all brainwashed
yeah, i know they are allowed but, if you are going to leave for 'a few weeks' you don't need to make a fricking "leaving the server" thread......
stop complaining. get a better computer, it's not the server's fault your lagging.
Reforming, you do realise that there's files that shows what rank you are..? tard
lol, what a <edited>.
the comment was irrelevant. this is a discussion thread. i never mentioned anything about the server in-game... why can't people who leaves just...
oh, thanks. well if someone does that it's dumb and even more unnecessary.
??? hidden text ??? what is that
don't you think it's [Edited] up when someone creates a "leaving" thread and receive [Edited] tons of positive ratings then returns back within...
people who makes "leaving threads" makes me pissed. no, not the people who actually quits but the people who returns within 1-2 weeks later! it...
this happened 1-2 months ago. i'll try to find the logs later but here's the whole story: My friends and i were skypeing and we played bedwars. i...
MrPronounce told me to f*ck myself in global chat while playing on bedwars. i then said "i'll report you and get you banned", he then said "i...
I know homie
Reply to this if you want to know how to crash /creative.
I know how to crash it, Who wants to know?
I'll miss you bby <3
I bought the gift card with In game money, anybody interested? Only works in Australia :P
@larrythebird1 @Mega @Ares_Xena