Support, looks amazing! Maybe take out some cobwebs though because they are kind of all over the place. I also like how you implemented multiple...
It lacks detail and visual pleasure. I also think it would be awful gameplay wise because of the wide open spaces that let the zombies practically...
I like the map idea but make sure there aren't too many pathways so the zombies can actually get around the map without being trapped by a few...
I'm bored, tell me do to something xD
Plezz check out my post in off-topic if you like!!! <3 please, I'm lonely and sad
Hey guys! It's Rhodes, iCrazed, Crazy8er whatever you want to call me. My friends and I started an clan a 2 months ago and finally decided...
Tbh, this is a random thread, but I have thought about this before and I think it is best to just support for the greater good even if it is kind...
Hi how are ya
Yass, finally someone else who enjoys destiny on the xbox one!
I saw this map awhile ago, maybe a few months, I thought is was okay gameplay wise but doesn't appease the eye. Neutral.
Forgot to post this but I changed my mc name to Rhodes :D #og
Welp, RIP Rivers found a way to get on the roof of the giant house
Support <3 it looks amazing
bumb, so many neutrals xD
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Support :D, forums name is still the same Halex00, it's iCrazed here lol
Hello! Crazy8er/iCrazed here and I decided to make a mini-map that just seemed like a great idea to me. @TADS4 or Pulchritudinous originally made...
Neutral, The map looks fine, but gameplay wise I say it's pretty bland, I'm tired of all the average maps that are human biased...