I always say this to everyone trying out for a Moderator position "Don't just say, actually do it", and this is the first time someone has been...
This is completely honest and has nothing to do with our relationship Rob, so please don't take this the wrong way. You claim you are 19 in which...
Mandarin?! Aha well it's always nice meeting bi-langual individuals. Support! :) I think you'll do fine.
Couldn't have said it better myself
Lol reading through this legitimately made me laugh. You are 13, grow up. Saying "I'm mature" doesn't prove anything. Actions speak louder than...
My ingame name: _Effortless_ Offender's ingame name: jet_sonic_13 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Using fly hacks to...
Why would anyone want to spend irl money for ingame stuff for another person
not even worth
Support :) Oppil you're a really nice person and I think because you live in a different time zone to most of the americans, you can mod whilst...
ikr its as if someone is ddosing the server, so much lag these days
I think from all the mod applications i've read, they all seem to be worded exactly the same, especially when they go on about how they are...
Hey sped <3
TureMu, you are a very nice person with a big heart. You are kind and always put other people's priorities before your own. You are such a great...
Mistakes are PROOF you are trying
Yeh its called 'tracer'
First off, Fruit, good luck and I wish you all the best if you become mod. I fully support everything you've said in your application and you are...
Cya brother, I hope the rest of your life will be fun filled and remind you of the days back in mineverse.
IGN: Alphakennybody01 Current Rank: Elite (an exact $30 upgrade to Supreme) Thanks so munchimouth for giving all of us an opportunity to win...
for some reason i think the sell multiplier is glitched for me.