uhhh yeah?
aye I'm still alive, stfu
GOKU ILY, is that good?
I just saw this. Lion you will forever be the best pvper, bedside DCM ofc. Good luck with everything bro. you are missed. <3
The Weeknd.
Harry Styles look alike >.>
Not saying you look like a tool in this pic but.... you look like a tool in this pic.
There is so much talk about if kitpvp should be reset or not. A lot of people are saying to reset it completely, which is not going to happen...
I think they should just expand the current map and make a new spawn and shop bc a lot of people like the current map cause they know it so well.
Right... don't even go there. Barley anyone could kill you.
Bump >.>
The things I would do to be able to get into a Skype call with the old players. It was one of the most fun times I have had in a long time. Being...
Its not fair how some people played the game for 6 months and have so much money when I played the game for 2 years and earned only 25k. I worked...
the dino magically turned into a human
"26. What did you do for your last birthday ~ ate cake" cake you say.....
Goku skype me or somethin its been waaaaaaaayyyyyyyy too long.