what did you do to my thread?
would you like some salt with those frieS?
Cuber1013 Herf rate abuse. https://gyazo.com/0562a669ac0097bc0182c9537bfcd2d2
refugees are pouring into europe, they believe that some are disguising as isis.
all i have to say is, salt.
im so happy i live in calais, lol.
Who are you to do that? You're such a minimod sticking up to mods, please stop it's so cringe-worthy to look at
ISIS claimed responsibility
Cuber1013 ReaperPvPz disrespect https://gyazo.com/a2235f05e4b111209b5712a38233d66d
No support, you're immature you were swearing.
No support, you act like one of the most annoying mini mods, worst than other idiotic people, kek.
Cuber1013 Diggy immature, cursing http://prntscr.com/8slpvx
@Elrak @Diggy cute couple @Terrick @CypriotMerks
maybe you should suggest staff ranks like helper, srmod, admin etc you're the head mod, some of the power is your hands. you could change the...
Why do you think other servers a flourishing? Why? They have a variety of staff. Our staff is mod, that's it. There should be helper, admin,...
i hate you so very much
Hurt Diggy, heal pile
Can you perm ban me please? thanks.
my name is geoffroy pernounced "Jof-Wa" (it's french you gotta do that "wa" sound ;)