Why dont i have my titan kit on most of the gamemodes?
why cant i sell my mc account on the forums? with titan rank? http://www.mineverse.com/threads/selling-titan-account.80482/#post-837818 i spent...
This is illegal? I'm quitting mc and it's just going to go to waste so why can't I sell? I haven't even played mine verse in months
i wanna sell my Titan account we can talk about it over skype or you can pm me an offer and I'll respond with an answer the username will be...
krishy can i get voted for ive waited like 3 weeks or so
it is? 12 days ago i applied never got response? can i be an exception and still get voted for?
IGN? D3x_Leader (not actually leader of d3x got hacked and the hacker was leader of it will change name soon) Skype? yeah ill pm you it if i get...
support because im a kohi player and play alot of hcf always using splash pots
i made application 12 days ago and u said ud get back in three xD https://gyazo.com/782099d562a5e1cd89694a0158e41e94 its fine no rush ign D3x_Leader
@CotnerM so have i been voted for? am i in or nah, havent been on last couple days cause i knocked out 3 of my teeth
my ign: D3x_Leader hackers ign: BruhPugs Proof: Im going to link you his video and watch at 32 seconds to 37 seconds he barely pulls back bow and...
if this helps at 10 seconds to like 15 hes not looking at me and hitting also eats food and runs at like 16 seconds
MY IGN: D3x_Leader His IGN: Clemmy Reason: hacking Proof: [MEDIA]
basically letting him know if he changes it, that might happen to him and probably wont get fixed but whatever im out
i changed my ign months ago and they still havent fixed my stuff after multiple emails and videos and screenshots and more proof
@CotnerM If takes more than 5 days want me to pm you? or just wait
IGN: D3x_Leader (Changing name when i can, got hacked and person that hacked me was leader of d3x) Age: Boutta be 14 Rank: Titan PVP: Normally a...
how do i download labymod with damage indicators optifine and toggle sneak? cause i think it has status effect and armor status with it. I have...
dont know how to do the template but ill try My IGN: D3x_Leader Hackers IGN: SweetGer (Flying) and MaxedOutSwag (NoKnockback and possible...