Dream job? Be a psychologist or an archeologist.
Yes it is, lol. Anyways, use hellblock.net trust me, it works :lol:
So what? We dislike what you're saying.
Why does it matter. Over 5 people asked your age and we got it right. You were lying.
we'll leave it to cyp ;p
So as some of you may know, why you're forum muted you have permissions to do nothing except reply to previous conversations and view the forums....
https://gyazo.com/738e126de0fe07a6c1e338e7ee7626c6 10/10
You don't act 14 on Kitpvp, lol.
His current account is NitroJaw2015 His alternate was something along the lines of xxn1trofus1ons He was banned on that account for rate abuse. He...
I don't like it.
it gives people something to strive for support doe
im 99% sure this is a correct ban @Pile_of_Butts is the one who made it. why not ask her yourself
its a temp ban lol you cant appeal for temp bans
thats pretty valid proof if you ask me. it is nearly impossible to sign chests under someone elses name. gl proving you didnt make them. and its...