I think you would be a good forums moderator and you have my support. Would say more but I'm on the road.
Wont be on for a couple weeks. Spending well earned time with the family ^-^
Still in Texas :-\
Stopped for the night in el Paso, got a 13 hour drive tomorrow... all in Texas lol
Finally I'm new mexico! 150 miles to Texas!
Just hit Arizona! Only 1800 miles left ^-^
I leave for Florida tomorrow :) wish me luck !!
thanks, it shouldnt be a dangerous trip or anything, but i wont be hitting many of the awesome sites :/ id love to stop at the grand canyon and...
Lol okay, I'll post them if more people want them or ill just send them to individuals they would rather do that
So I'm going to be driving from San Diego, CA to Pensacola, FL so I'm going to be covering almost all of the southern states and I was curious if...
I don't play survival often but I do think it would be fairly simple to change the existing survival to OP survival and give a starter kit with...
Yes, until Sunday lol
Thank you ^_^
Guys please stop @HeyitsAlexa
I started playing because the only person I knew that played minecraft was heyitsalexa and she was on this server, but after putting a lot of...
Thanks for all the greetings and advice guys ^_^ I am friends with heyitsalexa and I have been getting to know people slowly on the server. I try...
dang wish i had seen this when it first popped up, i love riddles :{
Imgur doe
It's BANANA for scale!
Hi ^_^