Eh. Welcome I guess.
Yeah right. I think you're lying truthfully. As quoted from Wikipedia: 'Anna Faith Carlson (Ariana Faith Carlson. Born; November 21st 1995) is an...
When's your birthday?
Missing the dumb rating on this thread...
Well, time to put you on the negative list
So? Your point being in quoting my message?
LOL that's your definition of nice? Giveaways? looool
Do you happen to know how to use the agree rating? anyway, congrats KingAlex, you deserve this you're one of the really nice people here
does this 'strategy' classify as bugs/glitches? :rolleyes: If it is, why havent it been fixed? Tried it yesterday and it still works
1. Happy 2. msplogen12dabest 3. Spending the last 10 minutes liking every single post on a few peoples' walls 4. his profile page:...
Player is unbanned, :) you should be able to view her/his profile
I like how you commented on this app :3 You should feel honored @Acii
well.. that's your opinion anyways thanks
i've seen alot of threads on removing unarmed, but i think that's not a solution. What would be better is to restrict the unarm level to only a...
you, are one of the people who deserves a perm ban. absolute no support, not now never will If you do get moderator, this server is finished <3
you just failed in an attempt to make your English sound professional, 'members above me' are they above you irl or nah?