6 or 5 hours ago
Banned for having a profile picture
Banned for not holding a dia axe in your profile picture
Razer Naga Mouse and a new laptop :)
@quickflame @Yin @HeyitsAlexa @CypriotMerks @rachetclanks @kitkat6605910 @Badlerner @HyperPigman
I paid him $550 on kitpvp for an upgrade from Sponsor. This never happened. Screenshots below: Thanks for your assistance, could i get my money...
Support, Whats uyour IGN
Early Merry Christmas
Can I join?
Umm. IGN: legibletoe763 how long you been playing?: Since July :)
You probably don't know me but i have se no you many times! GD Luc
Hi, do you play .net? It's Legi
Jadieroo scammed me. I gave them my stuff on OP Factions and 30k. Screenshots:
Also do occasionally play .net?
No unfortunately
I asked someone if they were doing upgrades. They said yes. Their IGN Is potato_criminal Then i paid him and he left after he said he had bought...