Il support it but I just find it hard to imagine
Wow! I said it earlier! How about you read the other comments and give some USEFULL feedback!
To get to the PvP arena: At spawn there could be a [Rank] sign or somthing. Once you have the rank [PvP] you will have access to the commands:...
I Understand your Point of view Mathew335. I think this is a great idea! :) and i would love to play it. I also see that you don't want to make it...
The build itself can always be updated/ changed but your support is the most important. I have added some ditches and mounds and even a lake to...
No support because mazes would make it very difficult to find people and if the infected find a group of survivors in one place there is no where...
If you want to make a custom map just ask and they could implement it, but not in creative. Thats all I'm saying
No support! people are in creative... thats the the point of creative plots. If you want to pvp go to kit PvP or my pvp arena that is most likely...
I think i know a way of fixing this problem. If you have joined a few prison servers then you many have found yourself that you are incapable to...
@CypriotMerks @Noobcrew Plz answer or something.
Its a nice map, i like the detail! support!
ignore that option in the pole please!
Whoops! i forgot that Hell block already has a pvp arena!
Hey! I find that once you have a good base with almost everything you need, and you don't need more resources. Skygrid looses its point. I feel...
Hey! recently i changed my name from nightclaw12345 to ArcaneArcher and that may be the problem. I lost my Elite rank on the OP Factions server....
Romar this Forum Post is for my map, not for you to get cookies or likes or anything like that.