Turning off chat also turns of commands, so being able to use /f home etc would be disabled. I guess you could call it a trade off, but that's not...
you're making the assumption that the donors are benevolent and willing to allow other players to buy use off them, which in fact is still giving...
So in other words, this is why you pay to win - if Mineverse wants to stay open then this sort of feature needs to be available for everyone, not...
All the yes, we need this.
No, this is aids. The last thing Mineverse needs is more chat spam of people desperately trying to get more subscribers so they can get a youtube...
Well, which is it: you can find them or because there's no achievement in building a grinder? You can't get enderman spawners in the real world,...
thread posted, linked here: http://www.mineverse.com/threads/factions-hostile-mob-spawners-for-sale-in-shop.35778/
Howdy folks, I've started playing on your fine server, and as a veteran of Faction servers I'd like to first off say well done on keeping the...
I guess it'll be resolved when the spawners are actually fixed, but good shout on the hostile mob spawners suggestion thread, I'll get on that now
The cow spawner in the shop gives you a pig spawner, not sure about the others as I've not had yet had chance to test them, but I bought 2 cow...
regular factions
can't seem to place rails, are they banned? Also, 3 of the brewing stands I've placed can't be interacted with, nor can I break them to place...