I'm doing well, thank you. :3
Hey, how are you? :)
Haven't been on here in a while. :P
Damned from the beginning.
o, *throws shade*
Also I am just going to assume you're a Re: Zero fan, so I won't throw salt at you.
It's called me trying to get views m9.
Need to know how to make an easy stone generator? - https://youtu.be/nv9lVSOtCmc
Need to know how to make an easy redstone timer? - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPOGYcL4gmc
How to create a terra formed floating island! - https://youtu.be/PBSUj1VzKQ8
Ty <3 xx
Are we allowed to post YT channel links on forums? I don't wanna get punished for something again x-x;
Once again, sorry. I forgot to change my password. Won't happen again.
That was something, but now lets get back to it.
Oops, my upper lip mistyped