I made this map a year ago actually... but I never saw much use of it besides a few parkour courses, roleplays, perfecting it's detail and whatnot...
Sadly the original map was deleted a couple months ago by a hacker... Ever since then, I've been working on remaking it. Many changes were made to...
@Scorvix Maybe for later maps I will. I was just a bit tired at the time I posted this. xP @Meowmix Sure! I would appreciate it! :D
Thank you so much! I really appreciate the support! <3
I mean c'mon. I was just trying to help, and this is what I get in return.
That's a lie, lol. That's the same of saying: "We're trying to get reasons to get you banned."
Question, why are you trying so hard to get me banned even though I was just trying to help? Always trying to find the smallest of excuses to get...
Health Indicators are allowed lol.
Yep: https://www.youtube.com/watch?t=187&v=cy4Y2grFuKY http://tennoxmods.blogspot.de/p/overview.html http://tennoxmods.blogspot.de/p/download.html
I have no client installed (nor have I ever head of the metro client). Just some render improvements and better pvp mods. No one has any proof...
Ok, I can understand my problems with the nametags. But health indicators and enhanced selection are allowed, no rules say otherwise. Server...
Look, I just wanted to report a player and this is the result. If you want me to remove the armor hud then just tell me.
...dafudge is metro?
It's just the armor and pot hud. I assure you, there's nothing else to it.
Aren't armor huds allowed?
Your ingame name: Knightdoesmc_rs The offender's ingame name: Ragekepar A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Hacking...
Huanjohn is making the books, you can ask him for one.