[IMG] 5/22/15 5:56pm
[IMG] 5/21/2015 3:40pm
Sure, just look in my profile for my skype and we can speak about it, I am online for a while as well. Thank you for your feedback.
[IMG] * Added more graphics design to the application
“When you have confidence, you can have a lot of fun. And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.”
Yes, i am sorry about that. I made a mistake with my timezone. Thanks for the feedback :) Ok, thank you for replying, if you do /seen xCryptical...
Ok, thank you for your feedback. Ok, thank you for your feedback, Gizz.
[IMG] * Fixed some spelling mistakes * Added some reasons to be moderator information.
Thank you for your feedback, i appreciate it. :)
Thank you Onion, i appreciate your feedback.
I am on quite often, i think i see you on sometimes as well. Thank you for your feedback though :)
Thank you for the support, Drago. Thanks for the quick reply!
[IMG] Before we start, I would like to thank all of the people who are reading this and taking time out of their life to support other player's...
ᶩᶤᶠᵄ ᶥᶻ ᵗᶯᵋ ᵅᴿᵀ ᵂᶤᵗᴴ ᶯᴼ ᵋᴿᴬᵋᴲᴿ
Thanks for your information.
Thanks for the support.
[ BUMP ] 12/13/14 12:00pm
[ BUMP ] 12/12/14 3:50 pm
The name of the Font is called, Grobold.
Thanks for your support, <3