Are there still Optifine Capes to buy with in game stuff?
Support, It would be awesome if they add houses where you have a chestroom. But if they will add /pv it will be great too. :)
Cant upload screens please a staff contact me
hmm cant edit screens?
Hello! Im Mutherfocker and was making a deal with HardDriver_. He would upgrade me to Elite for Autosniper on gta, he says i can trust him so i...
Support, ur a very helpfull, friendly person :)
And if the enderchest would be a double chest;)
Hello staff, I made this thread like 3 weeks ago. And there still nothing changed, hope here will be more room for storage soon. Greetz...
Thanks all for the Support hope the staff wil edit this on the GTA server :D
A pv vault is a Private Large chest right?
/pv? is that the same as /vault?
So, If staff reading this please comment!
Ye, If thats is passible its good too. But now is the storage to small understand me?
Hello, I play Gta now a few days and my Enderchest is already full. I playd on another servers with GTA etc. And i heard Rankers and members got...
Can a Mod help me at OP PRISON with my plot i cant build on it