it was fixed ty for those of you who helped and noobcrew
do /plot add dcphatson
i was V and i should definently get it back, may people know i was and the fact that i lost rank both god and V warp is outrageous!!!
if it isnt fixed ill be quitting op prison most likely tho
alright i shouldnt need a ss of me at V rank i had it many can say i did and the fact i lost it isnt my fault ill ss my ranks from now on i guess
I was V and they took it and my god rank its starting to make me irritated as i cannot mine im G cuz i ranked up so i could mess with my plot
anyone know what the issue is?
here are ss of rank issues
Hello i am mez_a_creeper im making this thread today because i have lost both my God rank that i have on all other servers and my Warp rank of...
3-6 id say would be fair but how much of a multiplier and would it stack for us donaters when we vote if not wouldnt really be fair
I added more info and more precise times what do u think now?
It happens, Not a big deal really
I made some changes and gave a more specific outline of when i am able to play
Why not wario? I like to know Why :)
ok ty mega I appreciate your feedback and will work on it. hope to gain your support soon:D
may I ask where exactly I need more detail? ill add more as needed.
may I ask why mega? just like to know so I may improve
any yes my main server since its release has been op prison but I do play kit pvp often and did a lot before op prisons release.
yeah I am new to the forums but I fell my experience in game is what matters most
if u don't mind me asking, why don't you support me I would just like know so that I can attempt to work on it:D ty for your feedback it is...