No. It's just at random.
Bro, Ill do you a favor and be the first person to give u a positive rating! Ur profile pic is cute!
@Firo3000 can u please make a rational decision
@Firo3000 please make a rational decision
Can you just leave me alone and stop harassing me and saying negative stuff on my threads?
Can they make it so that they can't do it in combat log?
This guy is a jerk to me. Look at what he said in the thread....
How though?
Aw. Why not?
Bro, I'm not gonna go off-topic. Let's just see who wants /echest and go opposites directions okay?
:/ wow. I see why people don't like you.
Ducky, why do you always go against me?
Hey, I thought it would be cool if gods and Titan donors got /Enderchest or /echest for the following - Factions - KitPvP -OpPvP -OpFactions...
You also forgot Mookiezx on infection. I think he's really OP also.
They lost all their hard work and ranks they the spent months on.
I am now right now.
Well. It is not fair to other players. I'm here for you @PrincessShanae . I support.
Well... I hate when I start rofling then I get egged when I have so much XP. I rage quit sometimes xD. Support. Eggs are OP doe
Ducky, we all know you're Ducky_Puppy