I didn't even install one im not a noob and im unbanned already :P
Yeah Sure XD
I thought it could be like a nice present, Btw if you ask i got that idea from Hypixel server.
I think that in holidays like christmas mineverse should do a coin multiplier on all the games like triple coins for 1 hour double coins weekend...
KThan btw my router is good and its not that im just so far from U.S.A and my connection sucks CONNECTION not internet my internet is Awesome :P
Im Supporting But i would suggest to do it like this, (Like most of the servers) &6[YT] It'll be nice, If we're talking about youtube than i have...
I think that mineverse should open a Mineverse.eu server and mineverse.us server because im playing from europe and my connection sucks 80% of the...
Support and agreed
I'll give it a cookie xD
If she isn't banned yet ban her top left [media]
Nah That image xD the surfing one
lol HyperPigman i paused my self and looked at that image for like 5 mins xD
When im pvping i always hear songs it makes my andrenaline be higher because of that my pvp skillz are higher I would suggest to you to hear songs...
OpPrison is actually a nice game that making you grind hard allday on ur computer and i pretty loved it. I had a team of 3 in OpPrison and we...
I have been banned in kit pvp and i wasn't hack i was in a sick rage all day trying to figure out why im banned i appealed and a the mod still...
I have banned from kit pvp because a mod thought im a hacker i send him all the proofs he need to unban me it didn't work so i made a video that...
Hey someone told me he will upgrade me from god to titan and he scammed me pls watch this video Video: [media] It'll be nice to give me back my...
Someone said he will upgrade me from god to titan we had a deal its all recorded! pls watch this video and give me my items Video link: [media]...
1. Im 16 years old. 2. SmadiBomba. 3. Jerusalem. 4. Israel. 5. English and Hebrew. 6. I should become a mod for some reasons: - I can spot...