My IGN : Alpaca_Gaming My Fourms Name : Dimentio18 Offenders IGN : Johnmalian What Rules Did They Break : Kill aura, Death Wish's and Cyber...
My IGN : Alpaca_Gaming My Fourms Name : Offenders IGN : trollmanXDlol Rules They Broke : Kill Aura Evidence: [MEDIA]
In Game Name My Online Alias Is Known By Alpaca_Gaming. My Age My Age Is 13. The Time Zone I'm In My Time Zone is AEST. What Country I Live In...
Support :D It's me reborn Alpaca
How old are you? 13 Your in-game name: Alpaca_Gaming What timezone are you in? EA What country do you live in? Australia What languages do you...
Your forums account name: Dimentio18 The offender's Name : IncredibleGame70 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Kill Aura and...
1. IGN : Alpaca_Gaming 2. Offenders IGN : BigJosh70 3. Rules They Broke : Kill Aura and Reach Hacks 4.Evidence (Evidence at 2:42 : [MEDIA]
I agree with you <3
Then why was hijacked removed?
Because I swear i've heard of it before like 2 years ago.
To be fair ive never seen the map river. xD
I Love the Idea <3
Hi, Just saying we need to bring back the classical maps on infections such as : Hijacked, Jungle, River etc theres just not enough maps anymore...
1. My IGN : Alpaca_Gaming 2,Fourm Account Name : Dimentio18 3. Reasons : Hacking, Using Kill Aura 4.Link To Evidence : [MEDIA] 5.Offenders IGN :...
My IGN : Alpaca_Gaming My Fourm Account Name : Dimentio18 Offenders IGN : HarryShields0012 He used very bad language and saying very inappropriate...
ok soz
NoobCrew wat will really make my christmas is to be unbanned from infection i will turn my hacks off and delete them i will never hack again.
Noobcrew Can i be unbanned from infections i will delete my hacks and nerver ever use them again.
this is the base under neath spawn