Wood tec because i'm stupid and wood tec is fun and you don't have to use your brian.
Its not like you would get it any way.
Another reason why you're not fit for mod. With mod, You ban people that. Hack.Ddos,Cuss,Scam,Troll ect you wouldn't be able to handle that...
Okay first you are being really immature there. How is he ment to know you use that account, that clearly shows you can't handle mod. I doubt...
yuck its you.
gg for mi.
I'm a girl.. Yet you say i'm dumb.
Its not about that.. Cyp dicides its not about how many supports you have or who supports it.
an 11 year old hacking.... Well that proves your smart. Support
opfactions, I could not see "Opfactions" in the prefixes.
And you can also see the 64 gapples in my invotry and then in first screen shots I provided I don't so it sort of shows that I gave 64 to him/
Could you tell me of what more evidence I need so I know what to provide?
I don't have any more one of me giving him the gapples I don't thing i'll have a look but you can see the gapples in the picture, and I also of...
Yes but I don't think they will help, only ones to say that he agreed to do it and stuff.
@FadedChristi Please help
Your ingame name: Katherine5235 The offender's ingame name: ayushdas A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: At first I said in...