it wasnt anti-kb or kill aura when he recoreded that i got a huge lag spike u can see the particals on the ground they show me moveing and the...
in that i didnt see any hacks
oh i see it now he is using anti-knocks back and hitting u from farther than he should be able to.
how was he hacking? all i saw was u failing at pvp
u cant click the link...
that was not hacking it was just lag it is a glitch/lag on the server when he shifted he would of gone down if he was fly hacking.
i was comeing down to get food from the chest and i saw the particals.
That Doesnt Proof anything i just saw ur particals. i dont hack
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Derp_ady The offender's ingame name: Swaqsta A...
How old are you? i am 13 (my birthday is in October) Your in-game name: Derp_ady What timezone are you in? i live in Central time What country do...
LDM has banned me for "Hacking" when it was just pvp lag and i couldn't hit him and he couldn't hit me so he accused me of hacking and banned me....
In spawn I always crash and I have a goodish computer :/ and the not being able to change chat mode annoys me a lot. I also don't like how u can't...