No support sorry
What Glitcher said :)
Yeah cause no one likes you:stoned:
I'm sorry Savvy, I was just letting you know
Hey Savvy911 you seem like a caring person, I hope to get to know you more :)
You realise you stated his immature like 4 times now..
He isn't inactive.. His Prestige 10 on Infected xD
What is your in-game-name: I thinks it's sanhg How old are you : 21 What rank are you: I'm default :p From 1to10 how good are you PvPing: 11/10...
Yeah that looks sexy @ScoFu13
You have my 50% Support :)
Just so you know Infected got griefed as well.. @ScoFu13 and Please don't report me for this I was just letting you know
omg me please & Thank you!! :D my ign: sanhg
Support & no support, because I think this wouldn't be fair for high level players who have worked so dam hard, but then again it's not fair for...
Thank you, so far so good :)
Hello and thank you :D
Thank you!! :)
Hello and thank you :)
Yeah but did you R.K.O him?
Hey Ducky_Puppy