Thank you.I will email as I don't want to wait for a month..Thank you
Can a mod help me or something?I really don't want to wait another 30 days to build on my plot...
Hello, I am fieryslasher,but my new name is now IchibanLC(means number one) and recently,i tried to /plot clear my plot and it didn't work but I...
QUOTE="TADS4, post: 605167, member: 12039"]Stop spamming this. Nana already stated, since it was a mistake, it will be a temp ban. Unless it was...
And I'd didn't type it in global chat and he kept spamming the link to everyone like when he sees someone he just tells em and types the link and...
does he get banned or anything? his name is xxnitro something
actually yeah but can you ban me 3 minutes later as i need to go 3 mins later so let me last play
but he tricked me doe
ok so ban me now?
thanks it is awesome
he dosnt want to give me the screenshot
I am rektsaurzX but still using my old account (fieryslasher),i have played on infection and i 2v1ed this guy called xxnitro something (not really...
@AgentWifi @Princess
Help My name is venomousbowchap(use to be fieryslasher) I change my name to venomousbowchap an I lost my rank on mv factions here is proof im a...
My name:Venomousbowchap Swearer name:derpybaconrain offen:swearing proof:
Help! my rank GOD is lost in skywar
Yay senior
Old IGN:FierySlasher New IGN:FieryDasherPRO Rank:GOD