@ScoFu @CypriotMerks
But it has been like a week. It normally doesn't take this long on other servers I played on.
My report on him was locked and was not concluded, do I get any form of updates?
3 second video of antiknock back. Super legit right there. You know they cut the video right to make it look like he is hacking. Seriously staff...
tp and tpahere are the same thing. The moderator tp'd to zombie, meaning zombie had no control over the situation. Then since Tin is there,...
Because the only way that they got there is because of a tphere, we were close to the boarder and no where near an island. The only reason they...
Do we get a full refund of the items? Because that took us quite a while to get, they even killed all our cats and dogs.
Proof. http://gyazo.com/e9a3e5750cc58779b113938de62e5909
Vip reset my rank to Default [D-Prisoner]
Tin was unsure what to do so he then tp'd 2 people to our base and let them raid us? I think that shouldn't go un-noticed.
Your ingame name: xyxrobertxyx Moderator name: Tin15Cro A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Abuse of perms...
Yea right. Today you asked if mods were on then proceeded to advertise this mod app. http://gyazo.com/c938bdab7f53885bd51262d45b33e6b6 Pathetic....