just got on... after 3 years
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jUR3g4wvFfk&t=3s I'm back with more to give :)
I think I'm done w/ this server :( no hate though
I've been trying that but every since creative updated some commands don't work. It's still a command, but just glitched out...
I'm right now having a hard time getting ty plots. Whats the command to get to your 2nd and 3rd plot?
Love my new texture pack
Literally what I just said. :)
WHAT YOU NEED PROOF?! I contacted them when survival reset and I didn't need proof. Like other people said do you have screen shots? Or you can go...
No it's fine! If you're busy I understand. No hurry!
I made a ban appeal it is ok if you're busy. Take your time! http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ban-appeal-title-edited.96246/
Happy Birthday!
Check out my friendly ban appeal! http://www.mineverse.com/threads/ban-apeal-title-edited.96246/
Lol found 4 hackers playing at the same time XD xTiffanyy was hillarious she showed no shame at hacking! She was recorded.
1.My IGN:MCKakashii 2:hacker: CustomHD 3:Broken rule: Reach, kill aura, anti kb 4:Evidence: [MEDIA] [MEDIA] the second vid skip to 1:37-1:42
1.My ign: MCKakashii 2. Hacker ign: Nethemperor 3:Broken rule: Speed hacks, anti kb, and kill aura MIGHT HAVE ALT ACCOUNT STATED IN CHAT...
1. My ign: MCKakashii 2:Hacker: xTiffanyy 3:Rules broken: anti kb, kill aura, reach 4: Evidence: [MEDIA] Skip to 0:48-1:02 hacking beyond are...
1.My ign: MCKakashii 2.Hacker's Ign: aCloudzzz 3. What they did?: Anti kb, reach, kill aura 4: Evidence: [MEDIA] 0:01-0:40 is aCloudzzz hacking...
I am not here to cause trouble just speaking out what I think. I absolutely KNOW that moderators are busy.