IGN: Maximum3579 Server: Kitpvp Rank: No rank yet I am doing this for a friend since i think he should get VIP cause he's a sexy person
You killed me in the 3 video's you were flashing it that are also on my channel. And yesterday i recorded me "hacking" against you so shush please
And it was INCORRECT [media] That shows i dont hack
I do have it, If you want i can upload when i get him in 1-2 hours, I'm at my aunts house
I can upload video from yesterday showing i rekt you and i dont hack
I wasnt hacking, I even explained in that thread, "nub" you accuse everyone of hacking
THIS ISNT YOU VIDEO http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kit-pvp-thehiddenone143-lack-of-evidence.31135/#post-311142 Ringo reported me with HIS video...
Yes I am as i cant apply evidence if i'm banned
I know Hidden as i go to school with him, He constantly spams F5 since he has a razer deathadder and has his DPI all the way up to 1500 and his...
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kit-pvp-thehiddenone143-lack-of-evidence.31135/#post-311142 it was denied he dosnt hack
I've seen this report already it was invalid http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kit-pvp-thehiddenone143-lack-of-evidence.31135/#post-311142
This was already reported and marked as invalid