how much each vote?
mod if u dont have any 2 give ban before noobcrew accept ask him before!
all the server will know u banning people who want play fun with factions buy noobs hackers found a video who is thinking me hack but they lags...
sure u mean it he hacks! he hacks man dont belive i I Dont kiding if u wont unban me its stupid move of this game jus because some cheaters cant...
I am not using stupid in1nja even said what is kill arua like a noob trying 2 deni
all of nasa hacking from what this nasa memmber said thats not true we hacking lies! lies!
u kiding right u belive it? man I can prove u its isnt right thats nasa hacking see the messege u better unbann me man its lies I never hacked in...
sure ban me ho ahead I wanna see me get banned because 1 guy u hated now have video thats he lags
come back when u got better video and prove it better lets see u ininjai u saw 1 record and u wanted ban me so long schintzel is so lags go find a...
only nasa cares about it its isnt true if I got 200 peoples thats I betrayed them and invite them back like nasa I could get so much reply
lellel there is no prove lol this all guys just hate us before the restart even mod or noobcrew u goona belive this? I am transformerxd I just tpa...
yup thats right there lot of cheats pls ban them I can put lot of videos on it we need a mod 2 check it outo_O