And that wasn't a msg that was a /me yucan see from the little purple thing before the msg
Well Its the only proof I had
That's proof
I will see
Wanna bet buddy? Try it out
[ATTACH] Today I guess you could say I did a Bad... I accidently downgraded myself from Elite to VIP in the process of ranking up. Please help...
Dammmn I didn't expect this many :P ok guys I think im gonna put all your names in a random name chooser and you will get the results soon :)
Today I am giving away 2 free premium ranks! All you have to do is leave a reply and you will go in the draw to win (If you already have premium...
@ScoFu13 @CypriotMerks
Your ingame name:jojomine1234 The offender's ingame name:diamondhunter808 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I was playing...
@canucksfan44 @PopIs_MyLife @kitkat6605910
Your ingame name:jojomine1234 The offender's ingame name:The_Roman_Empyr A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: I went on...
1. It is always raining which makes it harder to do parkour for some... Make it so it never rains and its always day time. 2. Half of the people...