%100 support it would help when on creative some one is trying to be annoying with inviz potions :p and!! yeah thats all i got
No Problem
Support! i really! think the Xp down there... you know... should be up on the right and the kill streak and stuff SUPPORT ALL THE WAY
Support all the way i have got scammed A lot of money And i hope other mod's/admin's! Help like this!
%80 support more info!
Ahhh i do the same its fun... beside's from that i AGREE i like'd what it use to be nothing can beat that <3
Awwww <3 Touching! (: And ikr so many report's *Cry's Sadly* :oops:
Died that day :( R.I.P Melissa 2014 Died from a heart attack:wtf:
GUBBA GUBBA GOO!! ya funny as Freddy golden its the other way around :P ININJA WILL YOU MARRY MY TURTLE! :p
Hmmm well santa the jack a-ss is being mean :D and not telling me! jks jks jks! ok well all i want is my Mummy and Dade to actually stop...
Well i just got 2v1'ed and he keep /healing me and when he finally kill's me he's like melissa_bucktin1 hacks lol and saying stuff about my armour...
HEY! ninja your Funny :D
%90000000000000000000010000000000000101010101010101010101010110101010101010100000090000000 SUPPORT!
I have and a Weird one kinda :P!
I will (:! you too :D
Hey Zulfqar
Hello Firo3000 (: how are you today.