[MEDIA] How is this hacks? Like are you legit blind or something? @SnakeVenomPvP btw since shonal is banned he asked me to post this on his half...
Throw back to old factions when Mineverse was the and you were my haha RIP Shonal
Come on and Ban Vising? please?
1.Zackdavismc 2.VisingDreadFul 3. Threating 4. Most likely going to ban evade...
1.Zackdavis 2.NL_Jeffrey_NL 3. hacks 4. [MEDIA]
1.Supernerdpvp 2.Clawifier 3. Rude af. 4.
1.9 is a RIP for minecraft PVP
wow you should put some effort into it like that illumiti dood who does these types of videos
but i dont care about that stuff just pvp ._.
Man forums have got some super creepy asf people
I hate 1.9 pvp honestly sucks balls
Love it Topic: Ronda Rousey getting KO'ed
ur the chainpickaxe im guessing?
And Creative is down again
Oh okay, thank you guys! Lock this?
So on OPPrison there something wrong any "B" ranked person has no perms being they can't even do /spawn or /rankup Please fix???
@Shonal left :'(
:o bai friewd i miss u