csgo=my life
R u kidding me I have waited a couple weeks and then kit Kay just leaves. I want to play with friends where I payed 250 dollars PBa server. I...
http://www.mineverse.com/threads/kitkat-kaoslegit.36598/ there we go that's the link.
can u take over my appeal from kit kat i have one up...
Hi fna u take over my appeal as outlay resigned I have one up right now and I choose u cuz ur like a rlly nice mod
i wna nave im banned from kit pvp
hey i need help now i have a haker then goes on mya cocutn and steals stuff so i got banend from kit and i didn't know but my alt also go banned...
i say support
hi i would like to make a report. i bought Kush_Life a premium rank and he said he would give me my hacked account back. i gave him it and said to...
theses a kid on kit pvp right now and wont stop spamming with these recycle signs his name is txic smg can u comne on plz
Also i just went on miencraft and she sasid 3 day temp ban and in could pay on kit pvp the 26 can u plz unban me im sure sheell be fine with it...
lol POps was on and she didnt even lok at my ban appeal. Also just saying ur an awesome mod
yes that ius exactly wut he said and wut does it mean it has been muted
jjeze um yes i do if u have skype i cna show it but right nhow its will not upload here my skype is kaoslegit and u cna ask me for the pic and say...
Your ingame name:Kaoslegit The offender's ingame name:SourPatchSpartan A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:cursing...
Guys this is the legit Kaoslegit I am it I got my account back and now I'm Titan if u want to say on Skype it's u u can Skype me my name is...
Nvm this post I'm good guys thx
the hacker just said that
If u can just tell pops I have a ban appeal up that would be great