Krissy he admitted in chat that he called me an @ss****. Thats why I posted that gyazo.
@canucksfan44 @larrythebird101
IGN: Samuelgamer123 Offender: BudiPvP Rule(s) Broken: Player disrespect and uncalled names Evidence:...
420 blaze it
HI!!!! Ily <3
I would like one. :). IGN: xBurritoSniperx (SexyTurtle)
1. xBurritoSniperx 2. slayerjr 3. Rude and Harassment 4. Oh i forgot he just sent me this...
If you want to ban me. He just was hacking and misspvp is uploading the vid right now. He went on an alt acc and he had an hacked sword he was...
IGN: samuelgamer123 Offender: ChipsMaster2000 Hacks: Aimbot/ Killaura and Anti Kb Evidence/ScreenShots: [media] ON an alt acc for recording hackers
Ik his aimbot doe when he hit you from 4 blocks away lmao get recorded kid
I support bro you seem very mature
GURRRLLLL you have hacked so stfu and go play with ur barbie dolls
how do sheeps relate to noobs? XD
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