How is that a fake report he is using kill aura.
@MaxNinja10 @GizzBots @Pile_of_Butts @Noobcrew
Your so inactive plz demote.
Happy Birthday
Dont support unless you change your name back to Bantz and then I will support.
Cause i should
Are you gay? - Nothing wrong with gay people but just a queston. - No like really are you gay?
mah boy
Idk quit being annoying
Support, He bans more people than most of the mods and is very active on the sever. As seen on:...
My Crew: IN ORDER <3 The BAES! @GizzBots Gizz is Love Gizz is life! @BlueCharmander12 @Taylor @GoodBlady @lightningfingers...
you on right now? im about to get on? what server? whyd u get banned from op ?
Agree 100% but you refuse to skype me so(ITS to LAGGGYY BOO HOO) agree 99.9% @Conor Walton
Im not on your dam team WTF is this! @Marloodog you threatened to demote me! And Ip trace me would you like me to ban you and @Frotac2 for that?...
Your ingame name: MehPlaysMC The offender's ingame name:crayon1983 -- this is EonGod he scammed crayon for this account. A description of what...
Skype me and Eon did scam him