No support.
I am mostly on Factions! My IGN is Drinkingq :) I have Titan too
When do people get mod? I want Restinq to be a mod, he is really chill IGN and is active.
Very good! Nice job hope you get the mod! +1 Support
@Lola Perez @canucksfan44 @larrythebird101
@larrythebird101 @canucksfan44 @Lola Perez
He scammed me for 60k
His name was saheer786 @Dontchallengeme
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Excuse me but you havent checked my ban appeal since thursday
Vamesa check my ban appeal I posted yesterday
I saw you but then you went in kitpvp
Taylor im here at lobby
Im here
Ign: Nicosonic1234 Game mode banned on: KitPvp Link to accepted appeal :...