Neutral. I kind of agree with most of these replies of you trying to hard. Also, when I see people bumping.....I realize that is because your...
Sooo many bumps ;c Support. Good Mod app, you deserve it.
My Ign: rescue_BUTTER Reported Players Ign: Prosequence Reason: Hacking, Kill Aura Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: rescue_BUTTER Reported Players Ign: mattdude152 Reason: Hacking, Forcefield/Kill Aura Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: rescue_BUTTER Reported Players Ign: Shivvv Reason: Hacking (Kill Aura) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign: rescue_BUTTER Reported Players Ign: FCBPRO11 Reason: Hacking (Using Kill Aura) Video is a bit laggy in the beginning but clear up...
My Ign: rescue_BUTTER Hackers Ign: xXxChimmyxXx Reason: He was using auto armor and kill aura. The video isn't the best, but I record on a...
Thanks to all of you guys for the constructive/supportive reply's! I really do appreciate them. It may seem like I am not typically active on some...
How old are you? I am 14 years of age. But, I do consider myself more of a 15 year old with my maturity. But, every now and then everyone has...
My Ign: rescue_BUTTER Perpetrators Ign: xXholycow9Xx Reason: He was using Anti Knockback, I had a punch 2 bow and was not lagging. DISREGARD...
Your ingame name: rescue_BUTTER The offender's exact ingame name: lebrontheboss A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:...
Bold the questions and leave the answers. Space out the questions a bit more and as Connor Walton said above, add some more info and detail. Good...
How old are you? I am 13 years of age. Your in-game name: My in-game name is rescue_BUTTER (You can call me Butter for short). What timezone are...