yes I meant to say wasn't
Wasn't XD lol
Wy is evrywun getin soe med? Jus a poyst abowt sumwun sayin I iz an hecka.
Lol wy yoo soe med? I uploaded this to show tht I was hacking for the 82628th time XD
No I made this thread to prove the kid that I am not a hacker.
Well I swore at him because he is wrongly accusing people of hacking and he could be getting a lot of people banned for no reason...
No the kid that was accusing me of hacking was saying he recorded me and some other crap and I told him I was recording and he didn't bive me so I...
Hee iz an nob XD
Not sure where to post this so I just posted here. This video will show the idiotic winterxisxwhitex accusing me of hacking. Thank you for saying...
This video will show you the ever so wonderful TheViper0007 hacking. Hope you enjoy :). Please ban this idiot. [media]
Yea there is because obviously you can't goddmamn read...
Oh my god if you read the other replies you would know that you have to post it on YouTube and then paste the link I the thread.
Tried it, didn't work...
Thanks so much you are a freakin legend my friend! Thanks for the help!
My main purpose of creating my forums account is to catch hackers on OP PvP!
Yea YouTube or Windows media player.
Just wondering how to attach videos to threads because I keep trying different methods but they don't work. :/ please help!