Just got the Ancient Member achievement on the forums! Feeling good!
But prestiges r op.
Ok, I won't then xD.
I'm not? I'm just being active.
Yea, playing times would be a good plan.
Ok, then more money :D, good idea.
Perhaps you could make it so only one purchase is ever available so that if they hack, get banned then hack again after purchase they can never...
Yes, very true. This is why I give full support.
Well I think if someone just got titan and didnt know how to play at all and got asked, and there was a regular who had been on for 3 years then...
It can be useful to know who to go to if there are no members of staff on and you need information on the server/information on how to play a game...
Use plugins
fair enough actually yea full support this is a great idea now I see the whole picture.
How many hackers are actually going to pay 20 bucks though?
Bro WOW ltns much!
That seems more resonable, however I think they should increase the time of the temp ban.
Yea I support your idea of perm ban bcus in the long run, less hackers = more fun games. More fun games = more people on the server playing the...
Also Im in UK if u r in another country so our mornings are different. Soz tho, I mean I should treat staff the same as normal players.