Realy bad server
I lost like 20 sets pv 4. there was a reset. Can i have my stuff back
IGN:CreepyMinnyz aka job423 Are you teamed with some / all of the players in the clan? If so name them:CreepyGiantz -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Rules:...
He got No hacks scrub he don't tptrap. you scared if i say Skype to you. you think i ddos.
No support. you have ddos me. and you hacking. and you are a tptrapper
Now it look much better, now you get 100% support from me :D
No support.
I don't was hacking
No support. you hacking
KlutzyGiant4 going Ddos me [media]
sdxz111 is playing on a acc but he is gal252. but gal is banned
valuedjoe hacking [media]
No support
but ban him he was hacking
KlutzyGiant4 hacking [media]
Zarji And speedyNinjaz hacking [media]
Support :D
Support But more Information next time :)