When i get the link from the command, it takes me to the Plot Squared website but it says "File Deleted!"
Hello! My friend SedonaAnn's plot is corrupted. The center of the plot causes you to crash whenever you step in it. Please fix this. <3
I'm a sassy porcupine.
@WolfWhispers @thorraks @Javid @Diggy Thank you for your support <3 :cat:
[IMG] How old are you? I am currently 12 Your in-game name: LeafyWizard What timezone are you in? Pacific Time What country do you live in?...
Hey! My friend, MEGAPERSON (MEGAPERSON1232) recently changed her username and now, she can break things on her plot but she doesn't permission as...
I am witnessing a ender portal trap crime happen! _Nimbus_ and Huahwifanboy are the people responsible for this! I have proof for this crime and...
You can make a forum post and they can change the plot owner to your new username. I used to be xxCrsytalManxx and when the server updated, I...
OK! THANK YOU SO MUCH SIR! :D All I needed to do was: /p add LeafyWizard !!! THX!
It says that this plot is not mine and that I am not allowed to dispose someone elses plot. :( "This plot (-196-;7) is not yours. You are not...
Okay... I have just changed my username from xxCrystalManxx --> LeafyWizard After I came on Mineverse (my favorite server) after that, I realized...