Your ingame name: budbean The offender's ingame name: pinkslendermen A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: scamming...
more proof
he meant rl i was there
render lag
nu plz ;-;
plz just perm mute that will be fine plz!
nu!! ;-;
i for got how to spell your name stfu means so this funny u
ffcpypmholnnb nbdf3esw;;
dam u forums!
i would have already made me money back bye now not just siting here waiting waste of time
dude this is useless i dont care any more if he scammed me just wasting my time bye
i dont have that and i told u prot 7 diamond armor
omg wtf i am paying him for prot 7 armor and i just screen me paying him and he saying i didt and call me scammer
and can u not see the screen shot?!?!?
dude i just done that my ign budbean u can see his name and he scammed me are u blind?
but then still said didt get my stuff
yeah but o payed him loads of time!!
scam scam scam dis guys scams so altoger he scammed me 50k and did not give me armor i payed him loads of times and he said u did not pay and...