I mine as well bring this up here @HyperPigman, why can't we use pictures and/or gifs in our signature?
IGN: sikemola Culprit's IGN: JakeTurner1990 Description: Simple derp hacks, as seen in the video Evidence: The video, [media]
Completed parkour yesterday.
IGN: sikemola Culprit's IGN: FearfulSky Description: Publicly advertised IP, urging others to join server Evidence: http://prntscr.com/512ww3
IGN: sikemola Cuplrit's IGN: magicboy1074 Description: Publicly advertising a server IP, welcoming anyone to join Evidence: http://prntscr.com/511t3x
Some noob gave me a "Dumb" rating Love when that happens
I'm currently stuck on the final level (12/XII) and can't figure out one jump :p
Thanks ;p
Oh. Thanks for the info
I was wondering if there could be more kits in KitPvP that are rather even to Fighter or Special. I think they're a bit too limited at the moment....
Btw I wasn't saying I used hacked clients, I just mentioned that
Fair enough.
Some noob is going to skim down the list and see nothing specifically mentioning hacks and he'll use his client..
@CypriotMerks, you didn't mention anything related to hacking. I hope this server doesn't turn out like mineplex.. Anyways, thanks for the info....
Thanks for the welcomes guys :p
Thanks :)
I'm new :)
I've been playing mineverse for a few days, I just started my forum account. You'll find me on Parkour (and sometimes kitpvp or op-pvp). I'm...