I mean a lot of hackers are Australian and all around the world, But its night time for you when its day time for us, Depends on where you live :P
Welome :D
Sorry man, *sighs* people aren't going to use them and I got no time..
Well the thing is, I am Australian and we need people from 'straya and New Zealand, Well geuss 1 thing. 1 Its rare we'll get accepted, 2, Most of...
Ah, Dxtory is like fraps but easier to use. Its not really an editing software but 1000/100 Quality. 10/10 I would play again. Fraps is kinda a...
Dxtory is $60 so I pay for them.
My uploads take a minute for a 23 minute long video, I use Dxtory, you use?
Okay, Its fine :P
Hey, Remember I asked you if I could have a god pickaxe you said yes but you had to wait awhile can I get that on Op Prison? Support aswell I...
Eh? 31 votes 30 days in a month 7 days in a week 24 hours a day 60 minutes a hour 60 seconds a minute, They can't vote 31 times. I call bs
[Spoiler] [IMG] Im batman
When ever I comment another person I gotta do. Great, Maybe I should just tell them on their profile.
@HeyitsAlexa http://imgur.com/3DmqWnV D: Dammit Sorry about the hair and eyes.
Thanks for participating. http://imgur.com/I3mzjBb EDIT: Sorry forgot to put your name in it. Im sure you know how to do that with paint.net right?
Oh dear god, Ill be only taking 12 more to do, after this all is done.
I got parkour plot, I am op at parkour and redstone
meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee mmmememememememmemememeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
Yeah, I can make yours little do you know who I am, My old account suspected you hacking but I think you have changed. So I'll make you one.
Sorry for the wait. Your one is done http://imgur.com/HAA1bz2 feel free to use it for what ever you like :) Thank you for participating.
HHAAA GAYYYY, Ok, Ill do yours tommorrow.