Hai Mega
i get so much hate ;-;
Yo, just asking, are you for trump?
Sorry to ask again, but is hells in UnitedPvp. If he is, Can I join?
Wait, does UNitedPvP still have killt, or any of his alts
No, it was released about a year ago
lol mineverse is where i played literally all my minecraft time. it was so fun when I started 3 years ago
I have some reasons, which all seem fair, and everyone will benefit from it, btw my ign is xTHEKREEPERx. 1. The amount of players has dropping...
U gonna post it? ima go soon cya
Hey SuperDevon
no vids >:
1.xTHEKREEPERx 2.coomstar03 3.he was hacking(anti kb, walk on water, and kill aura 4 https://gyazo.com/8313de78f8dd9e5344a63869d594fe98
you online atm? if u are, go to opfactions i need to tell you something theres a problem with my ranks thats been there for awhile and its bugging me
omg :DDDDD ur my fav mod <33333
Like the guinea pig? :D
ik Forgot to put your name. sry >.<
On Opfactions this is a list of good pvpers. not in order lionbdcraft zStrafe EggJ CrackHeadd MR_B3N_123 _MEGA_COOKIE_ ashley12zena
Ik Right?